Running a 6V dc Motor With a Cell Phone Charger

Most recent answer: 07/21/2011

could convert my cell phone charging ac adapter for running a 6v dc motor
- abhishek c.s (age 15)
It depends on several things:  the power you want from the motor as well as the wattage and  type of charger.  Suppose you wanted to lift a one kilogram weight to a height of one meter within one second.   That will take 9.8 watts of power.  At 6 Volts, that requires a current of  1.6 Amperes.   I'm pretty sure your charger would be unhappy at that sort of load.  You can scale the current requirement for the amount of power you want your motor to drive.   
  A second problem is that some chargers give out a constant stream of current while others give out a pulsed current.  In that case you would probably need some sort of capacitor to smooth out the flow of power.
 Thirdly, (there may be more problems) you have to match the voltage of your charger to that of the motor.   A 6V motor doesn't run too well on a 3V voltage.
  Read the specifications of both your motor and of your charger.


(published on 07/21/2011)