Paramagnetic Gadolinium
Most recent answer: 08/15/2016
- Gray (age 61)
Your observation doesn't sound too strange to me. Even in the ferromagnetic state, the domains in Gd will only partly align with the external field. At temperatures far above the Curie point, the paramagnetic alignment will become weak. You're talking about a temperature of 100°F or 311K, about 18K above the Curie temperature of 293K, only about 6% on an absolute scale. The magnetic susceptibility should follow a Curie-Weiss law, proportional to 1/(T-TC) rather than simple paramagnetism, which goes as 1/T. So the susceptibility is enhanced by a factor of around 16 by the ferromagnetic interactions, even though it's not actually ferromagnetic at that point. Also, those comparison paramagnets may have a fairly low concentration of spins, compared to Gd.
Mike W.
(published on 08/15/2016)