Ratio of Anti-matter to Matter Creation in High Energy Collisions
Most recent answer: 06/03/2016
In a particle accelerator why is anti-matter only created every one million collisions. What is different about that one millionth time?
- Anonymoussss (age lot)
- Anonymoussss (age lot)
The ratio depends on the total energy of the collision. At incident particle energies below 2 GeV there is simply not enough extra energy to create anti-nucleons. All you can make are mesons, some of which can be classified as anti particles such as a π+ - π- pair. Anti-protons or anti-neutrons need much more energy. At extremely high energies, such as at the colliders at FermiLab or CERN, the ratio of created anti-particles to particles becomes close to one.
(published on 06/03/2016)