Uneven Rotation of Magnets
Most recent answer: 08/07/2015
- Halar (age 20)
It's great to hear of people doing experiments. There is a possible reason for a bit of unevenness in the magnet's rotation. The earth's field exerts a torque on the magnet, just as it does on the little magnet ion a compass. SO the magnet's rotation could speed up a little as its north pole turns toward the north and slow down a little as it turns toward the south. That effect would happen regardless of whether the magnet were turning clockwise or counterclockwise. It may be an accident that you happened to notice it more one way than the other.
Or perhaps there's some kinking up of the thread. That could exert a torque (as you noticed in the first experiments) and maybe that would go differently for big CW and CCW twists. That sort of effect would happen even if the magnet were replaced with a non-magnetic bar.
Mike W.
(published on 08/07/2015)