Vacuum Chamber to Boil Water
Most recent answer: 10/18/2013
- Mike Nettleship (age 63)
Sheffield United Kingdom
The chamber doesn't have to be any stronger than any normal vacuum chamber. The strength needed is just determined by the pressure difference across the chamber wall. After all, the difference between 0.99 atm and 0.999999999 atm is much less than the normal variation in atmospheric pressure. Really good vacuums require chambers with very good seals and with no porous materials to gradually give off gas, but don't require special strength.
At any rate, you won't need a special vacuum. The vapor pressure of water at 15°C is around 0.017 atm. You can boil water by pulling back on the plunger in a syringe with a standard Luer-lock cap. To boil larger amounts a fairly cheap vacuum pump and a glass chamber with a decent rubber gasket seal should work fine.
(published on 10/18/2013)
Follow-Up #1: non-permanent magnets
- Mike Nettleship (age 63)
Sheffield UK
My guess is that the magnetization will decay only over a period of many years, at room temperature. If the magnets are heated or mechanically shocked, however, the decay can speed up a lot.
Mike W.
(published on 11/22/2013)