Is Nuclear Power Real?
Most recent answer: 07/13/2013
- Chad (age 27)
St. Louis, MO USA
Your question is very confusing. The type of nuclear power you mention, ordinary fission chain reactions, drives power plants all around the world, including over 75% of the electrical power generation in France. Our late friend Al Wattenberg participated in the original "proof of principle" under Stagg Field at the University of Chicago in 1942.
Perhaps you are thinking of nuclear fusion power? A great deal has been spent on developing it, and so far we aren't close to having a usable fusion power plant. Although the fuels for nuclear fusion are far more plentiful than those for fission, it's unclear whether it will ever be possible to build a fusion power plant. We do gather energy released by fusion in the sun and use it. We can also generate large amounts of fusion energy in nuclear explosions, but that's not useful for obtaining electrical power.
Mike W.
(published on 07/13/2013)