Fibonacci Quantum Computing

Most recent answer: 07/17/2015

I think i saw an article that mentioned something about finding the fibonacci sequence/golden ratio at the quantum level??? have you heard anything of this? I cant remember the exact words, so i am loosely paraphrasing. maybe i was dreaming?but one thing i do remember is it was mentioned that the order was akin to the way your computer queries a search engine?? maybe im thinking of two different stories. or maybe im starkraving crazy? Help
- roxanne oneal

It wasn't your imagination. Here's the story: . Unfortunately, I don't really understand any of it except this sentence: " can be shown that the degeneracy of the ground state in the presence of n well-separated Fibonacci anyons on a sphere is the nth number in the Fibonacci sequence." That's pretty cool, and I guess it accounts for the name. I can try to track down a smarter colleague if you want more explanation.

Mike W.

(published on 07/17/2015)