Tides, Gravity, Round Earth
Most recent answer: 12/14/2016
- kelly Daley (age 40)
Bay of Fundy
Although not all your links came through in the question, I like your general idea that tides are an excellent way to demonstrate Newtonian gravity on the round earth. I guess for starters, you could make the point that Newton's gravity and the round spinning earth together predict not only the basics of the solar system: days, years, omonths, etc. , but predict the tides as well. They directly give that there should be lunar and solar tides, and that the lunar ones should be bigger. They say why the tides should be biggest when the sun and moon and earth are nearly in a line. The explain why there are two tides a day. And so on. When a very simple theory predicts lots of different phenomena accurately, that's strong evidence for the theory.
So then the question gets thrown back to your Flat Earth friends. What's their explanation? Is it self consistent? Is it some special claim made up just for this phenomenon? Etc.
My prediction: you'll win the argument and change no one's mind. Those Flat Earthers are really crazy.
Mike W.
(published on 12/14/2016)