Is the Universe Spinning?
Most recent answer: 04/18/2014
- Preston Markham (age 35)
lake city fl us
Hello Preston,
That hypotheses doesn't work for many reasons. If it were true then the force of gravity would always point in the direction of the universe spin axis. No such preferred axis has been observed. The Hubble expansion rate seems to be uniform in all directions. Another example is that the force of gravity on the moon always is aligned along the earth-moon axis, always moving with respect to a preferred axis. In addition there would be a 1/r2 dependence from the supposed 'center of the universe'... again, not observed.
(published on 04/18/2014)
Follow-Up #1: how long to see stars?
- Preston Markham (age 35)
lake city fl us
It's a little tricky to say what we mean by "the present time" because there are a range of perfectly good coordinate systems which pair up our "now" with different "simultaneous" events on a distant star. However, at least if we stick to the coordinate systems of special relativity, all of these do have a delay of years before light from the "now" event at the distant star reaches us. In fact, the system with the shortest delay is the one in which we and the star (which I assume isn't moving much with respect to us) are at rest. So yes, we don't see the star's present time for years.
Mike W.
(published on 04/23/2014)
Follow-Up #2: Where does all the energy go?
- Preston Markham (age 35)
lake city fl us
You're right- it just keeps going off into the vastness of space. Space is full of things like tht- the cosmic microwave background, bits of starlight. Some of it may at some point hit some ordinary matter and be absorbed, heating the matter up a little.
Mike W.
(published on 04/25/2014)