Can you Bend Light With Light?
Most recent answer: 12/10/2013
- Frank (age 50)
Clinton MS USA
Hello Frank,
Yes, in principle but not in any practical sense. The fact that mass can bend light is a well calculated and well measured phenomenon. The first example occurred soon after Einstein developed the general theory of relativity. The measured deviation of distant light from stars was measured during a total eclipse of the sun. The bending angle is proportional to mass of the object causing it. The mass of the sun is enormous but the measured angular deviation was only about 1.5 arc seconds, 0.0004 degree.
The effective mass of any light source that I can think of would not even come close to a microgram of equivalent mass energy. No way can you measure the corresponding deflection it would cause a light beam. Still it's an interesting question, just don't hold your breath.
(published on 12/10/2013)