Gravity and Quantum Mechanics
Most recent answer: 07/31/2013
- Gerrit Bruhaug (age 18)
Billings, Mt, USA
The problem isn't so easy to get rid of. If I understand correctly, if you start with some small gravitational ripple, that induces further effecxts. These induce more effects, and so on. The theorists tell us that, no matter how small the effect you start with, for simple quantum gravity adding up all the effects gives an infinite answer.
Similar problems come up for other forces. For them, however, there's a fix. If you assume that, say, electromagnetism has finite effects at some distance scale then you can use something called the renormalization group to calculate how big the effects are at other distance scales. So long as you don't try to extend the calculation to distances of zero, you get sensible (and correct) results. Theorists say this technique doesn't work for gravity.
Mike W.
(published on 07/31/2013)