Melting Points of Common Substances
Most recent answer: 10/22/2007
What is the melting point of sand in celsious?
what is the melting point of MgF2 in celsious?
what is the melting point of salt in celsious?
what is the melting point of sugar in celsious?
what is the melting point of copper in celsious?
- Anonymous (age 15)
Riverdale High, Tennessee
- Anonymous (age 15)
Riverdale High, Tennessee
Some melting points of common substances, courtesy of
the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (editor: Weast).
Sand (silicon dioxide, or Quartz): 1723 C
(some sands are mixtures of other materials, like
calcium carbonate, but many sands have quartz in them)
MgF2: 1261 C
Salt (Ill assume you mean NaCl): 801 C
Sugar (glucose and dextrose have the same
melting points): 146 C
Copper: 1083.4 C
the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (editor: Weast).
Sand (silicon dioxide, or Quartz): 1723 C
(some sands are mixtures of other materials, like
calcium carbonate, but many sands have quartz in them)
MgF2: 1261 C
Salt (Ill assume you mean NaCl): 801 C
Sugar (glucose and dextrose have the same
melting points): 146 C
Copper: 1083.4 C
(published on 10/22/2007)
Follow-Up #1: Can you melt sand without flux?
Sand can never melt until some kind of flux is added to it.. am i rite.....??
- Prakhar (age 15)
lucknow india
- Prakhar (age 15)
lucknow india
The answer is no. The melting point of sand is around 1723 C.
(published on 08/20/2011)