Stopping Radiation
Most recent answer: 05/16/2013
What can stop Raidiation happening?
- John (age 13)
Liverpool, England
- John (age 13)
Liverpool, England
Radiation is a catch-all term involving emission of radio waves, x-rays, alpha, beta and gamma rays, and so on. Each type of radiation has different penetrating powers. For example a thin sheet of paper will stop most alpha particles whereas it takes a not so thin sheet of lead in order to stop some gamma radiation. Thermal radiation is that type emitted by hot bodies, like a hot stove or the sun. You can never stop the emission process itself, it\'s a fact of life.
Wikipedia has a very nice article on radiation. Take a look at:
Wikipedia has a very nice article on radiation. Take a look at:
(published on 05/16/2013)