How to Build a Model Atom.
Most recent answer: 10/22/2007
- Troy Reynolds
Jenkins Middle School, Palatka, Florida USA
Cool project! The basic structure of an atom is that it has little things called neutrons and protons that are stuck together in a ball (called a nucleus) in the middle, with electrons in a bigger fuzzy ball around that. Neutrons and protons are about the same size, and electrons are much much much smaller. You can use different colors to show which are neutrons, protons, or electrons. Neutral atoms have the same number of protons and electrons. If a neutral atom loses or gains some electrons it is called an ion. Atoms also tend to have similar numbers of neutrons and protons, though the trend is for heavier atoms to have have more neutrons than protons. A normal gold atom, for example, has 79 protons and 118 neutrons.
An interesting fact is that although the "cloud" of electrons that surround the nucleus is much much much bigger than the nucleus itself, most of the mass of the atom (more than 99%) is due to the nucleus.
The number of protons that an atom has is called its atomic number. For example, Hydrogen has one proton so its atomic number is 1. Some other elements are Helium (2), Lithium (3), Beryllium (4), Boron (5), Carbon (6), Nitrogen (7), and Oxygen (8). So far, scientists have discovered elements with atomic numbers of even more than 100! For more information on different elements, check out this . You can click on any element to find information about it, and the atomic numbers are listed on the table itself, so they're easy to find.
As for what to build your atom out of, be creative!
-Tamara /(mods by mbw)
(published on 10/22/2007)
Follow-Up #1: models of atoms
- Becky (age 13)
Mike W.
(published on 10/22/2007)
Follow-Up #2: What is an atom?
- Sue (age >25)
Carlsbad, CA USA
If you were to imagine that the electrons were little classical particles in orbit, they would radiate electromagnetic waves, losing energy, and the atom would collapse in about a billionth of a second. That was a big puzzle before the discovery of the quantum laws that describe small things.
We love to give simple explanations and pictures when it's possible, but when it's not maybe it's best just to tell students that to understand some mysteries they have to continue their educations.
Mike W.
(published on 11/04/2007)
Follow-Up #3: cloudy models
- Ginny
San Diego
Still, if you have to make models, you have to. Why not use a BB for the dense little nucleus at the center of the atom? Maybe a cotton ball would be usable to convey some of the 'cloudiness' of the electrons, although nothing directly visible really shares the strange behavior of quantum-scale stuff.
Mike W.
(published on 12/10/2007)
Follow-Up #4: How to make an atom?
- huthashini (age 14)
This is a very difficult question to answer. First of all it is a bit ambiguous. If you want to manufacture an atom, you can't go down to the store and buy the necessary materials. It would be extremely difficult, but in principle possible, to build a complex atom at a high energy accelerator although simple hydrogen-like atoms have been seen at the accelerator at CERN. If you mean by your question how to make a stick-and-ball model of an atom, that is something you can do; although resultant physical model would only vaguely resemble the actual atom. The reason is that at the atomic scale you have to take into account the quantum mechanical aspects of the individual particles, which behave not as billiard balls but as spread out wave functions. I hope I haven't confused you too much. Keep studying physics.
(published on 06/26/2008)
Follow-Up #5: picturing atoms?
- Jim Lotarski (age 37)
St. Charles, IL USA
Here's our rationale for emphasizing the mystery. Almost all the students have seen the toy pictures of atoms with little dots whizzing around. We don't have anything to add to that, and we don't want to use a site which some people treat as a reference source to be saying that's accurate. The only real contribution we can make beyond what the kids are getting in school is to give a hint that there's something weirdly mysterious about the world at that level, and that maybe someday they can understand it.
At any rate a BB and a cotton ball are not such exotic materials.
And no, I didn't learn the Bohr atom, but maybe it is useful for some kids.
Mike W.
(published on 09/08/2008)
Follow-Up #6: another atom model view
- Bri (age 13)
Your mammas house
Mike W.
(published on 10/03/2008)
Follow-Up #7: atom models
- Crystal (age 14)
Norwalk, WI, US
Mike W.
(published on 03/24/2009)
Follow-Up #8: atoms and MM
- Ms. B (age old)
1. The model you describe is not actually for hydrogen but for deuterium. If you ate the orange, you'd have a hydrogen model left. Since oranges are tasty and good for you, it would be a win-win move.
2. As we pointed out previously, models of this type are easy to picture but get almost all the basic features of an atom wrong.
3. If students were clamoring to build models of atoms, then teachers would have a good reason to try to supply something, even if it's pretty inaccurate. What we're objecting to is not the students but the teachers, who have decided to make students spend time learning something wrong. The world is full of interesting and challenging things that young students could learn right.
Mike W.
(published on 04/24/2009)
Follow-Up #9: back to Bohr
- Mrs B
Points (1) and (2) are hard to disagree with.
On (3), here in the US, teachers usually have much more autonomy, except for on preparations for the No Child Left Behind tests, unfortunately those don't include science.
On (4), I think the Bohr atom actually leaves the properties of the periodic table extremely mysterious. They don't seem to come in any natural way from the model, so complicated unnatural assumptions about 'shells' etc. are added. That's where it's different from, say, Newtonian physics, which is internally consistent and explanatory over a broad range of phenomena. Bohr leads to trouble right away. It's good at predicting spectral lines of hydrogen, but the students probably weren't worried about those to begin with.
Mike W.
(published on 06/05/2009)
Follow-Up #10: A comment on atom model building
- Mary
Connecticut USA
Thank you for your comments on this issue. We have received a variety of others not so favorable to our point of view. By the way I agree with your praise of Natalie Angier, a science writer for the New York Times. She tells it like it is, and has won a Pulitzer Prize for her reporting.
(published on 06/09/2009)
Follow-Up #11: atom models redux
- Mrs. E (age 45)
Arcadia, CA, USA
As for ways of somehow somehow visually representing a bit of the elusive, random nature of atoms, perhaps one could add some little sparkles to a cotton ball. or to some clear gelatinous material. That way light would glint off different parts at different times, sort of randomly. It's not quantum, but fits in with the creative spirit with which your daughter is approaching the job- looking for suggestive visuals, not intended to be a real model.
Mike W.
(published on 08/31/2009)
Follow-Up #12: atom model
- Ferdinand
Laguna Philippines
mike w
(published on 09/04/2009)
Follow-Up #13: back to models
- Heidi
United States
Your model sounds very well designed for pleasing the teacher. It still would be nice to see something more fuzzy and spread-out, like a cotton ball, for the electrons, to start to suggest their actual behavior. On an atomic scale those little bead-like things literally wouldn't last a nanosecond.
Mike W.
(published on 09/22/2009)
Follow-Up #14: atom models redux
- Johnny Ramone (age 53)
Mike W.
(published on 09/27/2009)
Follow-Up #15: electrons, etc.
- Chris Kalonji (age 13)
Portland, Oregon
The smallest atom (fewest parts) is a hydrogen atom. It just has one proton and one electron
As a practical matter, it's a nuisance to build even an unrealistic model of an atom which has lots of electrons.
Mike W.
(published on 10/04/2009)
Follow-Up #16: atom models redux
- limecoke
(published on 10/06/2009)
Follow-Up #17: atom models redux
- Teresa Gresham (age 39)
Mapleton, IL, USA
Mike W.
(published on 10/12/2009)
Follow-Up #18: atomic teaching
- Mr. P (age 23)
Miami, FL
Thanks for keeping up the good work in a tough situation. Have you seen this set of computer simulations?
It is amazing to somebody who went through the public school system many decades ago that the structure has changed so much. It's even a big change since my kids went through.
Mike W.
(published on 10/20/2009)
Follow-Up #19: philosophy of teaching
- Scott (age 41)
Chemistry Teacher, USA
Mike W.
(published on 10/22/2009)
Follow-Up #20: atom models again
- Eric (age 37)
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Mike W.
(published on 11/01/2009)
Follow-Up #21: thoughts on education
- John
Mike W.
(published on 11/05/2009)
Follow-Up #22: Bohr model
- Kevin (age 43)
Duluth, MN USA
We share your wish for better ways of teaching this material.
Anyway, thanks for your thoughtful comments.
Mike W.
(published on 12/08/2009)
Follow-Up #23: atoms and art
- Mary, mom & former bio teacher (age 45)
chgo, IL
Mike W.
(published on 12/10/2009)
Follow-Up #24: atom models with balloons
- David Galloway (age 44)
Seattle, WA, USA
Mike W.
(published on 01/12/2010)
Follow-Up #25: atoms
- Sue S. (age 45)
Mike W,
(published on 01/27/2010)
Follow-Up #26: freezing atom in time?
- Ash's Mom (age 42)
So, whether it is good or bad for students to make these models as a first step in understanding, this site, which is used by various people as an information source, shouldn't be the place to give those incorrect pictures.
Mike W.
(published on 01/30/2010)
Follow-Up #27: Bohr and quantum chemistry
- Anonymous
Thanks, Mike W.
(published on 02/24/2010)
Follow-Up #28: atom models
- Ms. A (age 40 ish)
Mike W
(published on 02/25/2010)
Follow-Up #29: atom models
- C. Peterson (age 37)
Mike W.
(published on 02/25/2010)
Follow-Up #30: model details
- Tracey (age 13)
Mike W.
(published on 02/27/2010)
Follow-Up #31: going atomic
- Anonymous
Mike W.
(published on 03/06/2010)
Follow-Up #32: emotional support
- Scott (age 41)
Mike W.
It's no big deal. The polemics really don't bother me. It's water off a duck's back. There is a fundamental pedagogical question here though: do you increase or decrease overall understanding by first introducing a model (Bohr atom, for example) that is not the complete answer but a step in the right direction. Even the physics community embraced it in the 1910's and 20's.
Lee- True, good point. But there's also the question of what is the particular role of this sort of site, providing information which seems to be taken as reliable. Mike.
(published on 03/09/2010)
Follow-Up #33: teaching about the atom
- Christina
You made my day.
Mike W.
(published on 08/12/2010)
Follow-Up #34: my defense
- Aliyah (age 15)
Mike W.
(published on 09/22/2010)
Follow-Up #35: ancient china etc.
- andie
keaau, HI
I didn't mean to drive people away from science questions, just toward focus on ones where we can give decent answers.
Here's a for-instance of a visual sort of thing. Take a somewhat filled balloon. You can dip it in warm water and see it expand. Or cold water and see it contract. You can discuss with the kids a model of little particles inside slamming against the rubber, more when they're hot and less when they're cold.
If you have some dry ice you can put a little inside a balloon and let it evaporate, filling the balloon. Then you can discuss how molecules can pack together in a crystal or run free as a gas. Little 3-D models of that don't distort the important parts of the picture too much.
These are problems for which kids can play with and make decent models which convey something important about how the world works.
Mike W.
(published on 10/06/2010)
Follow-Up #36: Where is the electron, really?
- Tsp (age 40)
The question applies generally to all sorts of quantum variables which can give a range of possible outcomes when measured, not just the positions of one particular type of "particle". For many years it was widely assumed that even when quantum mechanics couldn't tell us what results we'd get in such a measurement, an actual value did exist. Then, in the mid 1960's, John Bell made some simple, beautiful arguments that showed that any description based on that common-sense assumption would give different results than quantum mechanics for certain categories of experiments. Quantum mechanics violates what are now known as the Bell Inequalities, relations obeyed by any local realist theory, including but not limited to ones which assume electrons have actual positions. (Local realist theories are ones in which outcomes have local causes, i.e. actual values of the variables which are measured.)
So what about actual nature? It took some years for the experimental tests to be done, but by now they have become undergraduate laboratory exercises. Nature violates the Bell Inequalities, just the way quantum mechanics predicts. Local realism is false. An electron has no specific position.
Thanks for giving me an opportunity to clarify this central point of modern physics.
Mike W.
(published on 11/22/2010)
Follow-Up #37: confusing?
- Rebecca (age 13)
Colorado, US
Mike W.
(published on 12/02/2010)
Follow-Up #38: specific model-building ideas
- Cheryl T. (age (Elderly))
Atlanta, Georgia
I think I can picture your idea, and of course find the cotton-ball part appealing as a way to suggest the fuzziness of where the electrons are located.. Plus you've put in some suggestion of randomness. So this seems to be getting at the idea of suggesting something unusual at the atomic scale.
Mike W.
(published on 01/03/2011)
Follow-Up #39: atom frustration
- Frustrated Parent (age 21+)
Mike W.
(published on 01/09/2011)
Follow-Up #40: joke?
- joke (age 20)
I suppose we should track IP addresses, but that's too much hassle.
Anyway, thanks for the very thoughtful support.
Mike W.
(published on 01/09/2011)
Follow-Up #41: further atom thoughts
- Cheryl (age (Elderly))
Atlanta, Georgia
Mike W.
(published on 01/10/2011)
Follow-Up #42: old questions
- Mehran (age 60)
It was alarming, however, to notice your age on the form, and realize how long we've both been at this.
Mike W.
(published on 01/17/2011)
Follow-Up #43: home-schooling quantum physics
- Monica (age 46)
central New York
Aha- That site seemed to open fairly well in another browser. My impression is that it has a lot of useful vocabulary but not much science. If students remember the vocabulary, it will help them to know what people are talking about sometimes. At some point, if they want to learn some science, they'll need to pick some smaller set of topics and think about them enough to get a feel for how the models connect to things people observe.
The actual pictures on the site show the electrons as dots moving around. They aren't like that in several regards:
1. They aren't at particular places, even temporarily.
2. They do not have particular velocities even temporarily.
3. The positions of their fuzzy clouds typically are not changing in time.
4. Their fuzzy distributions of velocities typically are not changing in time.
Mike W.
(published on 02/08/2011)
Follow-Up #44: How to teach about atoms?
- The Woodsman (age 26)
Normal, IL, USA
For middle-school kids perhaps it's possible to just say that particles are fuzzed out. The electron fuzz is pulled in toward the nucleus, sort of like how the earth is pulled in toward the sun. It just gets too hard to squash it in, so that's why it stays fuzzed out.
Mike W.
(published on 02/23/2011)
Follow-Up #45: Kerri from Knoxville
- Kerri (age 46)
Knoxville, TN
many thanks,
Mike W.
p.s. Don't forget, a few sequins embedded in the cotton ball will help hint at the strange quantum behavior, where the fuzzed-out electron can briefly get much less fuzzy, if probed the right way.
(published on 03/10/2011)
Follow-Up #46: slave labor
- Paul (age 47)
Knoxville, TN
Actually, the state retirement system pays Lee and me to do nothing, at least until the state goes more broke. We do this for fun.
Mike W.
(published on 03/10/2011)
Follow-Up #47: bigger atom models
- matt (age 56)
Boston, MA
Now you raise a different question- the kluges are just plain difficult to construct for atoms with many electrons. I guess you could imagine taking bunches of cotton thread and dying it different colors to stand for different electrons. Then you could sort of weave it together so that the different colors had the shape and scaled size of different orbitals. Ok, this is way too hard, even for a fairly small number of electrons, and you mentioned 53.
We're stumped. Maybe a sort of jello (clear silicone, so that it doesn't just fall apart or get eaten by the Bohring classmates) with a number of sequins equal to the number of electrons? A terrible model, but we live in an imperfect world.
Mike W.
(published on 04/09/2011)
Follow-Up #48: arsenic models
- kayla (age 15)
Beyond that, we don't have much to add to the long discussion above. Just to repeat the main point, what this site is about is just to help people learn a little of what we know about the world and a little about how we know it. Sometimes that goes along nicely with school assignments but sometimes it doesn't.
Mike W.
(published on 04/10/2011)
Follow-Up #49: Bromine model
- Rebecca (age 14)
Seattle, WA, US
How to actually get this all put together is way beyond me. I was no good at that sort of stuff in school. If you figure out how to do this, it seems that lots of others would like to hear about it. Sorry to be of so little help, but we wish you good luck.
Mike W.
(published on 06/10/2011)
Follow-Up #50: On teaching science
- Shanna (age 45)
reno, nevada, usa
I remember from a year when my wife taught middle school how difficult that job can be.
Mike W.
(published on 09/03/2011)
Follow-Up #51: on science education
- Rebecca (age 40s)
Tampa, FL USA
Mike W.
(published on 11/19/2011)
Follow-Up #52: edible atoms
- Ellen (age 50)
Arlington, VA
Mike W.
(published on 01/31/2012)
Follow-Up #53: against quantum mechanics
- Anonymous (age ?)
Mike W.
(published on 02/01/2012)
Follow-Up #54: Bohr for the masses
- Marc (age 31)
Urbana, IL, USA
Your last question is of course the most important one in general. We can at least hope.
Mike W.
(published on 02/10/2012)
Follow-Up #55: atoms in quantum field theory
- Nick (age 12)
Houston, Tx
3. Yes, quantum field theory (specifically quantum electrodynamics, for the most part) provides the current understanding of atoms. No, we usually just teach non-relativistic pictures (the Schroedinger equation) to start with. Unlike the Bohr model, the Schroedinger picture captures a great deal of the real properties of the quantum world. We aren't fanatics about always teaching everything at the highest level of current understanding, which would be impossible for many reasons, including gaps in our own knowledge. What we try to teach are models with broad domains of applicability. Newtonian mechanics is a good example. Non-relativistic quantum mechanics works well for most problems in which the relevant energies are small compared to the rest energies of the particles. The binding energies in small atoms are small compared to the electron rest energy.
2. The H atom is indeed in a state with a definite value for Ne-Np. This state does not quite have a definite value for either number separately, just as you say. Again, however, given the rest mass of the electron, it's not a bad approximation at all to simply say Ne=1, Np = 0.
Despite the way we often talk, in any state with definite energy nothing is popping in or out. In a state with definite energy, nothing at all physical is happening, just abstract rotation of a quantum phase.
1. This one is tough without math. We've written a tiny bit about it before: . When one writes the energy expression (Hamiltonian operator) in terms of the creation and annihilation operators for electrons one finds that there's no single-electron self-repulsion, without having to put in any explicit labeling of the electrons.
Mike W.
(published on 02/28/2012)
Follow-Up #56: relativistic atoms
- Haley (age 14)
Jensen, OH
In heavy atoms like uranium the electron energies become large enough for relativistic effects to become important. Spin-orbit coupling, for example, becomes large. However, I think (with not much confidence) the the spread in the expected number of electrons around the expectation value (i.e. the intensity of the cloud of virtual electron-positron pairs) remains very small. I'll have to check that with somebody more knowledgeable.
Mike W.
(published on 03/02/2012)
Follow-Up #57: more on relativistic atoms
- Haley (age 14)
Jensen, OH
Hi Haley- Yes, our question reader deletes all sorts of control characters, I think as a precaution against malware. It often leads to hassles for formatted inputs.
The Lamb shift does indeed come from photon effects, the quantization of the electromagnetic field. You can think of this as coming from a vacuum cloud of photon possibilities. The reason those effects are measurable rather directly in atoms but not the effects from the background cloud of electron-positron pairs is that the electron-positron pair has significant rest mass. It's not cheap to create a pair, unlike photons which have no rest mass.
Just to try to find something I know that's dimly related to your question, the electron-positron pair creation does become prominent when a heavy nucleus is bare, stripped of electrons. Then its electric field is so big that it causes sparking of the vacuum- pulling electrons out of nothing and spitting out positrons. That quickly reduces the field and the process stops. In an atom, the electrons are already present, suppressing such effects.
Mike W.
p.s. I finally remembered to get some help from a colleague on this. The positron density even in uranium is "very low". The reason is that it costs so much energy (1 MeV) to make an electron-positron pair. My colleague (Eduardo Fradkin) say that the math for calculating the positron density is similar to the math for calculating the carrier density in an intrinsic semiconductor, with that 1 MeV playing a role similar to the band gap. The concentration of positrons falls off exponentially with the size of that gap. He says it's much less than 1% even for uranium. For higher atomic numbers the field gets larger near the nucleus and the energy scale goes up , so you start getting the sparking we described above, and actually make real electron-photon pairs.
(published on 03/03/2012)
Follow-Up #58: malicious atom models
- Tim Weber (age 63)
Lomita, CA
Whoops, this slipped between the cracks some time ago. It's a relief to see readers with even worse attitudes than ourr own. Needless to say, this approach would be risky to a student's grade.
Mike W.
(published on 04/26/2012)
Follow-Up #59: a student's perspective on atom models
- Audrey (age 13)
Your note helps remind us of how things look from a student's perspective.
Mike W.
(published on 10/10/2012)
Follow-Up #60: What do electrons really do?
- Mary (age 53)
Bay Village, OH
I just gave a talk that sort of addresses (I can't claim it answers) your questions. The slides are posted, and the actual video should be available fairly soon.
On the Bohr model, now that you mention it, it's actually more wrong than saying the sun orbits the earth. In general relativity there are legitimate, although awkward, reference frames in which the earth stands still. These make no false predictions. The Bohr model makes a number of false predictions starting with the prediction that the minimum orbital angular momentum is h/2π, rather than the actual value of zero.
There are certainly some people (e.g David Deutsch) who claim to fully understand all the issues of quantum mechanics. Most of us believe mysteries remain. Here's a little bit of the part of the story we think we understand. There's a wave-like equation, saying how the quantum state for a collection of things changes as a function of time. It seems like things always stay in a wave-like quantum state. However, parts of that state come to represent really different outcomes- a live cat or a dead cat in the classic example. Up to that point, we really do understand things (we think) just by taking the wave-like math seriously as a representation of the only ingredients of reality. Next, however, we never see more than one of those different outcomes. There are several radically different "interpretations" of why that is, and why the probability rule for seeing each of the different outcomes looks the way it does.
Mike W.
(published on 03/02/2013)
Follow-Up #61: model of modern quantum theory of atom
- Ariana P (age 14)
Mike W.
p.s. The Physics Department at the University of Illinois "owns" this site, but Lee and I do most of the answering and are responsible for the current content.
(published on 03/27/2013)
Follow-Up #62: tips on atom models
- debra (age 53)
Mike W.
(published on 04/15/2013)
Follow-Up #63: looking back on atom models
- John (age 13)
John- Thanks for your kind note. It's alwauys encouraging to hear that some of the old answers are still being read with real interest.
The atom model question is just one little piece, not the most important one, of the whole issue of how best to teach science and math. My wife teaches a massive elementary statistics course, perhaps the most important technical topic for most people who aren't going on in specialized fields. There's a dispute there between teaching a big set of formulas and teaching somewhat less but with more thorough understanding. It's an interesting case, because, unlike the quantum atom, the deeper way of teaching doesn't rely on students having special preparation. She's on the side of understanding, which turns out to be popular with most students, but is not the way of most statistics teachers.
Mike W.
(published on 11/29/2013)
Follow-Up #64: Is answering physics questions boring?
- Anonymous (age 13)
Lee and I and the other volunteers here aren't paid. So we only answer what we want when we want. So it seems we do enjoy it.
We're delighted that you found it useful. That adds to the enjoyment.
Mike W.
(published on 12/01/2014)
Follow-Up #65: atomic weirdness?
- Jadin Hawkins (age 15)
Texas, US
Let's blame it on the atoms. They started the weirdness.
Mike W.
(published on 10/31/2015)
Follow-Up #66: model of strontium
- Chad (age 50)
Wow, that's not easy. I guess you can put 38 sparkles into some sort of gel. That captures some of the flavor, but not the structure of those wave functions. Even with a 3-D printer, those overlapping states aren't so easy. Printers don't do negative ψ!
It's interesting that strontium was picked as the one to do. Since it's got filled shells the overall state is spherically symmetric. I wonder if the teacher would accept that overall symmetry and allow a spherical model?
Mike W.
(published on 11/02/2015)