How Long Does it Take to Freeze Water?

Most recent answer: 08/31/2011

How long does it take to freeze water if it is in a freezer at -19 celcias? thx xxx
- keeley (age 11)
Hi Keeley,

You really can't answer a question like that because the freezing time depends too much on several variables that aren't specified.  For example:  the volume of water, the type of vessel,  how much surface contact between the vessel and the freezer floor, amount of impurities in the water, etc.   The easiest way to find the answer is to do an experiment.   Put a thermometer in the liquid and stick it in the freezer.   Look at the thermometer from time to time and make a plot of temperature versus time.   The time when the temperature starts to drop below 0o Celsius is your answer. 


(published on 08/31/2011)