Dark Matter Ideas

Most recent answer: 11/07/2013

Dark Matter, as I understand it to be is "undetectable forces that have gravitational effects on visible matter". Being that the Multiverse theory is a hypothetical set of infinite or finite universes, isn't possible that Dark Matter can simply be gravitational forces from parallel universes counteracting on each other?
- AR Ross (age 41)
New York, NY, USA

The most conventional idea about dark matter is that it consists of particles that are hard to detect, not undetectable. So far they haven't been detected. There are alternatives to this approach, however. One possibility I've heard mentioned is that interactions with other manifolds of 3-D space in a higher dimensional space could be involved. That's sort of along the lines you're thinking. These sheets are not the same, however, as the different spacetime domains referred to under the name "multiverse".

Mike W.

(published on 11/07/2013)