How to Make Antimatter
Most recent answer: 10/22/2007
- Ellen (age 15)
A high-energy electron, when it comes near a nucleus, will feel the electric field of the charged nucleus, and be deflected in its path. The larger the charge of the nucleus, the more frequently this deflection will happen at large angles. When a fast electron is diverted from its straight-line path, it radiates some of its energy away as photons. High-energy photons, when they come near another nucleus, can spontaneously turn into an electron-positron pair (conserving charge and the "number of electrons", which both add to zero since a positron has positive charge and is an anti-electron). The second nucleus is there to exchange energy and momentum with, otherwise you cannot start with a photon (zero mass) and end up with two objects with mass and conserve energy and momentum.
If the electron and positron thus produced have enough energy, they can undergo scattering with more nuclei, radiate photons which can pair-produce more electrons and positrons, creating a whole "shower" of electrons, positrons, and photons. Positrons then can be separated away with magnets and collected in particle accelerators.
At Fermilab, we make antiprotons all the time. The process is similar, where protons are thrown with high energy into stationary targets. Most of the stuff that gets made are pions, but every now and then you'll get an antiproton. Instead of photons, the mediating force carriers are gluons, which carry the strong nuclear force. Many gluons must be exchanged because you need to create three antiquarks to make up an antiproton, and get lucky enough for them to stick together in an antiproton.
(published on 10/22/2007)
Follow-Up #1: Creation of antimatter at the CERN LHC
- E. Paul Smith, Age 54.75
Houston, Texas, USA
The actual amounts of the antimatter collected are pretty small, however, enough to measure their properties like mass, charge, interactions, etc.
(published on 04/07/2008)
Follow-Up #2: Building particle accelerators
- Nick (age 23)
Lafette IN, 47904
To be brief, you need an initial source of particles: a hot filament for an electron accelerator, a bottle of hydrogen for a proton accelerator. After that you need a combination of electric fields to accelerate the particles and magnetic fields to guide them. The simplest example is a cathode ray tube. A hot filament provides the electrons and a several thousand volt electric potential accelerates them. When the electrons hit the phosphor-coated screen a small dot of light shows up. A much more complicated example is the proton accelerator at Fermilab. The protons, from a bottle of hydrogen, are first accelerated by a Cockroft-Walton generator, then pass through a linear accelerator using microwave cavities, thence into a 20 Gev synchrotron booster, then finally into a one kilometer diameter main ring accelerator. Pretty complicated.
There is a nice article at that you should look at.
(published on 07/09/2008)
Follow-Up #3: What is Fermilab?
- Joel (age 20)
tucson, AZ, United States
You can find lots more information at:
(published on 08/30/2009)
Follow-Up #4: Practical problems in making anti-matter
- Quintin (age 24)
South Africa
The major problem is that it takes a lot of money to make just a small amount of anti-protons. You need a big costly accelerator and the production rate is small. The second problem is that you just can't store them in an ordinary bottle, they would just interact with the sides of the bottle and annihilate. You need what is called a storage ring which is a ring of magnets with a vacuum tube inside.
Never-the-less, there is such a ring at the CERN accelerator in Geneva, Switzerland where small amounts of anti-protons are stored and used for various experiments.
See: for a nice news article.
On a larger scale, at Fermilab anti-protons are not only stored but accelerated and made to collide with real protons producing weird and wonderful new particles, for example the Top Quark and, hopefully, the Higgs boson.
(published on 09/29/2009)
Follow-Up #5: antimatter explosion
- Alan (age 18)
Tucson, AZ
It's essentially impossible to collect antimatter from cosmic rays, because you don't know where or when each particle will show up, unlike the antimatter made in labs.
Mike W.
(published on 10/01/2009)
Follow-Up #6: antimatter energy
- Solomon jappa IT TECH (age 30)
Leesburg,VA, United States
Mike W.
(published on 12/04/2009)
Follow-Up #7: fate of antimatter
- Wayne Fielder (age 29)
United Kingdon
When matter and antimatter "annihilate" they really don't leave any particular traces of what was there before, except for the total amount of energy, momentum, and angular momentum. The latter two quantities average to zero. So what's left from all the antimatter is just that the amount of energy per unit of matter is larger than it would have been if the antimatter had never been there.
The energy released by nuclear fusion in the sun comes from reactions that can be reproduced on earth. These don't require antimatter ingredients. It's true that gamma rays can come from nuclear reactions and also from annihilation events, but that just means that they are generic products of processes with the right energy scale.
Mike W.
(published on 06/03/2010)
Follow-Up #8: Annihilation rate of anti-electrons (positrons)
- Jamaeca (age 21)
When the positron passes through a cloud chamber it simply doesn't have enough time around any particular electron. What it does do, however, is to ionize some of the atoms which, in turn, allows the super saturated water vapor to condense along the path.
(published on 08/31/2012)
Follow-Up #9: Antimatter Annihilation
- Peter (age 15)
Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
When a particle collides with its antiparticle, their rest masses are annihilated and converted to other forms of energy. This does obey physical law because, in a closed system, energy and momentum must be conserved, as well as some other quantities such as electronic charge. In this case, the energy that is in the form of rest mass in the two particles plus their kinetic energies is converted to energy in the form of rest masses and kinetic energies of other subatomic particles or (purely kinetic energies) of photons (light). This is just what happens between two particles.
It is hard to say exactly what would happen if you had a "chunk" of matter and antimatter and threw them together, but it would definitely be extremely energetic and violent, and therefore very difficult to test - even if we already had a large amount of antimatter, which is difficult to create. Furthermore, as the two "chunks" of different matters were pushed together, the forces caused by the reaction would cause a tremendous outward acceleration that would further complicate things. It's difficult for us to say what would happen quantitatively, although there may be some experts who know. If you're interested in antimatter though, you should check out some of the other questions we've had on the subject .
Samson (mods by mw)
(published on 01/28/2013)
Follow-Up #10: Any relationship between anti-matter and black holes?
- jabeil (age 16)
tracy, CA
(published on 01/31/2013)
Follow-Up #11: Does antimatter have any benefit to mankind and environment?
- anonymous (age 20)
Dear Anonymous,
The first thing that popped into my mind was PET, Positron Emission Tomography. See . Positrons are the anti-particles of ordinary electrons. This procedure allows doctors to compose a three-dimensional image of the body for medical diagnostic purposes. I know it is used, I had one myself. In addition doctors at the CERN laboratory in Switzerland are investigating the use of anti-protons in cancer therapy. You can Google "antiproton therapy" to find out more about it.
Antimatter itself doesn't last very long so there are no long term environmental hazards. It annihilates as soon as it meets up with a suitable ordinary-matter particle. Finally, I should say that the study of anti-matter particles allows us to better understand the fundamentals of what the universe is made of and how it works.
(published on 05/30/2013)